Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Raise Voice Against Child Labour

Our society is facing many problems out of which child labour is one of the main problems which is growing day by day. Government is taking enormous effort s in eradicating child labour in India. They are taking many steps in order to educate those children who are deprived of this valuable education. They had also made this child labour a punishable offence, yet there are many people who are practicing this child labour in the interiors that is the villages where there is no awareness of these laws. Now cine stars joined hands in removing this child labour. They are displaying many ads about this laws and importance of education. Thereby through my blog I am contributing a small amount in demolishing this child labour. Please avoid child labor.

The Stop Child Labour campaign is a joint lobby, education and awareness raising campaign that seeks to eliminate child labour through the provision of full time formal education. Hivos has been leading the campaign during the first two EU co-financed phases and continues to do so with IBIS, Cesvi and People in Need.
The campaign has some guiding principles:
The elimination of child labour and the provision of full time formal education are inextricably linked. The focus of attention must be to actively integrate and retain all ‘out of school’ children into formal education systems. Children have the right to education at least until the age they are allowed to work which is 15 (while developing countries can choose 14). In addition efforts must be made to remove all barriers to local schools as well as ensuring the necessary financial and infrastructural support for the provision of quality education.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child along with a host of other international agreements unequivocally affirm the right of all children to live in freedom from exploitation. Approaches to the issue have tended to prioritize and segregate solutions to different types of child labour depending on certain categories. These range from children working in hazardous industries to children doing so-called non-hazardous work -including domestic work- but missing out on school.
The Stop Child Labour campaign believes that such distinctions, while helping to cast a spotlight on the worst abuses, tend to be too narrow in their focus and offer only partial solutions. Efforts to eliminate child labour should focus on all its forms, preferably aiming at all children in a certain community.
All governments have a duty to ensure that they do not permit, or allow child labour to exist within their state. Furthermore they have a duty to ensure that state agencies, corporate bodies as well as their suppliers and trading partners worldwide, are fully compliant with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international agreements protecting the rights of the child.
As part of their corporate social responsibility, all transnational and other business enterprises using child labour should create and implement a plan to remove children from their workforce, including their supply-chain, and enrol them in full time education.
The eradication of child labour is closely linked to the promotion of other labour standards in the workplace: the right to organise and collective bargaining, freedom from forced labour, child labour and discrimination. A living wage, health and safety at work, and the absence of forced excessive overtime are also crucial. Child labour undermines the opportunities for adult employment and decent wages. Experience has shown that child labour is highly unlikely to exist when a free trade union is present and where core labour standards are respected.

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